
Dating in the Digital Age: Benefits, Risks, and How to Build a Healthy Relationship

Note: This article is based on an interview from the Czech Television’s “Good Morning” programme. Link to the CT archive below (in Czech language only). In recent years, a significant portion of dating has moved to the online environment. As a psychologist, therapist and university lecturer, I had the opportunity to discuss this phenomenon on […]


So, is your child good?

Recently another child was born into our family and I noticed for the first time in my life that Czech people always ask parents whether their children are “good”. In older children, it makes some sense. But how to understand it when we talk about a three-month baby? Is  he “naughty” because he cries when he is […]



Yesterday I visited  Hans’s grave with my family. Hans, my Dutch friend, was like a father to me. And not just for me as I found out a year ago at the funeral which was full of adult orphans. The collected chestnuts have created a heart and we put a candle in the middle. I wanted […]